Thursday 18 July 2013

Illamasqua Hydra Veil

Post number two already! While I was doing my usual rounds of blogs/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, Illamasqua's Instagram posted I sort of 'Illamasqua Hydra Veil for idiots' now I had to admit I was confused when this first came out, is it a primer? Is it a moisturiser. In fact from review it seems to be a mix of both, I sadly suffer with bouts of dry skin and I try everrrryyything I mean everything to combat it so with a 4.5 star review on the website and a desperate need to fit in with the cool kids, I think I'll have to dabble in one come payday. Have you tried it? Let me know!

Twitter: @rachaelwillmott
Instagram: rachaelwillmott

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